Beyond the right lane

As someone who comes from the old continent, I can attest that the cities there where developed in an organic manner over time. Cities in Europe have an immense history that spans centuries, and they grew organically over the time. At the time of their creation, it was unimaginable that there would be a future with so many cars on the road. Consequently, the cities are now facing significant traffic problems, as they were not designed to accommodate such large volumes of vehicles. Streets are narrow, and highways typically have only two or three lanes, making it challenging to navigate through the busy roads. As a result, many people opt for smaller cars to more easily navigate through the city’s streets.

But today, I reside in Dubai, a city that was built with cars in mind. Unlike the old cities of Europe, Dubai was envisioned at a time when cars were already a dominant mode of transportation. As a result, the highways here are wide and sprawling, often boasting up to seven lanes to navigate. Also, the city is full of big and fast cars.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and under pressure when driving on these roads.

When driving on a highway, it’s common knowledge that slower vehicles should keep to the right lane, and faster vehicles should pass on the left. But what about situations where you’re driving on the left lane at or slightly above the speed limit and someone behind you is tailgating, flashing their lights or honking, pressuring you to move over to the right lane?

This article will argue that in certain situations, it’s important to resist this pressure and remain on the left lane. By doing so, we can challenge ourselves to step outside of our comfort zone, become more assertive and ultimately, change our lives.

But before we continue, it’s essential to recognize that :

  1. Tailgating, flashing lights, or honking are all aggressive behaviors on the road. They can be intimidating and dangerous, as they create stress and panic, which can result in erratic driving behavior.
  2. Remaining on the fast lane while driving slow is also dangerous.
  3. Driving, is sharing the road. Be cortageous.

The inspiration for this article struck me when I observed someone driving on the left lane “by default”. This individual seemed unfazed by what other drivers thought and didn’t feel the pressure to move over. Although it may not be the most courteous behavior, I found myself feeling envious of this person’s ability to remain calm and unaffected by the opinions of others.

Staying on the left lane can help you become more assertive and challenge yourself. Many people tend to avoid confrontation and conflict in their daily lives. However, by staying on the left lane, you are standing up for yourself and asserting your right to be on the road. It can be uncomfortable and challenging, but it can also be empowering. By staying on the left lane, you are sending a message that you will not be bullied or pushed around, which can be a valuable life lesson.

Greater Confidence

By staying on the left lane and resisting the pressure to move over, you can experience a greater sense of confidence. This confidence can extend beyond driving and into other areas of your lives. By learning to assert yourself and stand up for your rights on the road, you may find that you feel more confident and empowered in your personal and professional relationships.

Additionally, staying on the left lane can also help you develop your decision-making skills. By analyzing the situation, considering their options, and ultimately deciding to stay in the left lane, you are practicing the art of making assertive decisions. This skill can be valuable in all areas of life, as it allows you to make confident and informed choices that benefit themselves and those around them.

Resist the pressure

Resisting the pressure to move over to the right lane when driving on the left lane can be a challenging task, especially if other drivers are tailgating, flashing lights, or honking. However, it’s crucial to resist the urge to give in to the pressure and remain focused on your driving. By doing so, you are not only asserting your right to be on the road but also ensuring the safety of yourself and others around you.

Moreover, resisting the pressure can help build your self-confidence and assertiveness. By standing up for yourself and refusing to be pushed around, you are sending a message that you value your rights and are willing to fight for them. It can be an empowering experience and can translate into other areas of your life, making you more confident and assertive in dealing with other challenges.

Becoming more assertive

Staying on the left lane while driving can be a great opportunity to become more assertive. It can be challenging to resist the pressure to move over, but doing so can help you become more confident and assertive in other areas of your life. By standing up for your rights on the road, you are sending a message that you value yourself and your rights, and you are not afraid to assert them.

Moreover, becoming more assertive can have a positive impact on your personal and professional relationships. It can help you communicate more effectively, set boundaries, and stand up for your needs and wants. By practicing assertiveness on the road, you are developing a valuable life skill that can benefit you in many other areas of your life. So, the next time you find yourself driving on the left lane, remember that it’s not only about driving but also an opportunity to challenge yourself, become more assertive, and change your life for the better.


In conclusion, staying on the left lane while driving on the highway can be an empowering experience that challenges us to be more assertive and confident. It’s important to resist the pressure to move over and stand up for our rights on the road. By doing so, we can learn to communicate effectively, set boundaries, and stand up for our needs and wants. This can have a positive impact not only on our driving experience but also on our personal and professional relationships. So, the next time you find yourself driving on the left lane, embrace the challenge and become more assertive. You might be surprised at how it can change your life for the better.

Remember, it’s essential to remain calm and focused, prioritize safety, and stand up for your right to be on the road.


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